Our Risk Assessment Bundle templates are created based on best practices and standards for Risk Assessment. The complete Risk Assessment Bundle package has Risk Assessment guidelines, matrix, templates, forms, worksheets, policies, procedures, methodologies, tools, information on free resources, and standards. Our risk assessment templates will help you to comply with the following regulations and standards like HIPAA, FDA, SOX, FISMA, COOP & COG, FFIEC, Basel II, and ISO 27002. Following the Risk assessment templates package is available to suit your needs.
These Risk Assessment Bundle templates can be used by Healthcare organizations, IT departments of different companies, security consulting companies, manufacturing companies, service companies, financial institutions, educational organizations, law firms, pharmaceuticals & biotechnology companies, telecommunication companies, and others.
Feel free to request a sample before buying.
List of documents in this Risk Assessment Bundle template packages:
- Conducting a Risk Assessment Guide (15 pages)
- Risk Assessment Template (17 pages)
- Risk Assessment Worksheet (17 pages)
- Preventative Measures (6 pages)
- Example Completed Risk Assessment Template (17 pages)
- Example Completed Risk Assessment Worksheet (17 pages)
- Final Risk Assessment Executive Management Report Template w/ Charts (20 pages)
- Final Facility Risk Assessment Report Template w/ charts (15 pages)
- Example Final RA Executive Management Report (16 pages)
- Risk Assessment Policy (11 pages)
- Risk Assessment Standards (11 pages)
- Policy & Standards Instructions (3 pages)
- Applications and Data Criticality Analysis Template (24 pages)
- Example of Completed Application and Data Criticality Analysis Template (39 pages)
Cost: $255
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Conducting a Risk Assessment Guide
This document intends to help the business conduct a Risk Assessment, which identifies current risks and threats to the business and implements measures to eliminate or reduce those potential risks. This document provides guidance on conducting the Risk Assessment, analyzing the collected information, and implementing strategies that will allow the business to manage the risk. The following documents are available to help the business complete the assessment:
- Risk Assessment Template
- Risk Assessment Worksheet
- Facility RA Findings Report
- Executive RA Findings Report
- Examples of Preventative Measures
The Risk Assessment is only part one of an overall Business Assessment. A Business Assessment is separated into two constituents: Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA). The Risk Assessment is intended to measure present vulnerabilities to the business’s environment, while the Business Impact Analysis evaluates probable loss that could result during a disaster. To maximize the Risk Assessment, a Business Impact Analysis should also be completed.
Table of Contents of Conducting a Risk Assessment
Objectives of the Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Process
What Should Be Included?
Steps to Follow
Identifying Risks / Threats
Probability of Occurrence
Vulnerability to Risk
Potential Impact
Preventative Measures in Place
Insurance Coverage
Past Experiences
Review Interview Notes
Follow-Up Meetings
Report the Results
Creation of Executive Report
Presenting the Results
Next Steps
Senior Management Support
Effective Data Gathering Tools
Key Resources
Critical Data
Executive Report
Appendix A: Risk Assessment Survey
Appendix B: Risk Assessment Worksheet
Appendix C: Facility Risk Assessment Report
Appendix D: Executive Risk Assessment Report
Appendix E: Examples of Preventative Measures
Risk Assessment Template
Due to HIPAA Security Rule regulations, your organization must implement Contingency Planning Practices to ensure the protection of ePHI (electronic Protected Health Information). In order to accomplish this undertaking, there are several steps that your organization will be completed to identify critical business functions, processes, and applications that process ePHI and to understand the potential impact to the business if a disruptive event occurred.
One of the first steps of implementing the Contingency Program for your organization is to conduct a Risk Assessment (RA). This questionnaire will help you to identify the current risks and threats to the business and implement measures to eliminate or reduce those potential risks. Once the survey is completed, the RA Project team will analyze the data and create prioritized risk reduction (mitigation) strategies to present to senior management.
Table of Contents of Risk Assessment Template
Respondent Information
Company Information
Facility Related
Technology Related
Natural Risks / Threats
Man-Made Risks / Threats
Environment Risks / Threats
Facility Risks / Threat
Hazardous Materials
Fire Containment
Emergency Notification, Evacuations, Alarms & Exits
Facility Features, Security, & Access
Data Center (Technologies)
Preventative Measures
The following list contains examples of preventative measures that can be implemented by the company to mitigate the potential risks that currently exist. Some of these activities may be achieved easily, as to where some may take more time and more resources.
Natural Risks
These risks are usually associated with weather-related events: flooding, high winds, severe storms, tornado, hurricanes, fires, high winds, snowstorms, and ice storms.
Risk / Threat |
Preventative Measures |
Earthquakes |
Man-Made Risks
These risks are usually associated with man-made types of events: Bomb threats, vandalism, terrorism, civil disorder, sabotage, hazardous waste, work stoppage (internal/external), and computer crime.
Risk / Threat
Preventative Measures |
Staff Productivity Risks |
Environmental Risks
These risks are usually associated with exposures from surrounding facilities, businesses, government agencies, etc.
Risk / Threat
Preventative Measures |
Hazardous Materials Plant
Final Facility Risk Assessment Report Template w/ charts
<Enter Facility Name> | |
Address of Location: | |
Participant: | Date of Report: |
The interview was conducted by <Enter the Name of Person(s) conducting interviews> on <Enter Month, Day, and Year>.
Overview of Facility Business Operations
The <Name of Facility> is responsible for <enter overview of all business operations that are conducted at this site. (Identify if the facility provides patient care.)
The previous Disruption Experiences
- <Enter any previous disruption experiences and details of incident>
- <Enter any previous disruption experiences and details of incident>
- <Enter any previous disruption experiences and details of incident>
Risks & Vulnerabilities
Natural Risks
These risks are usually associated with weather-related events: flooding, high winds, severe storms, tornado, hurricanes, fires, high winds, snowstorms, and ice storms. In each RA Survey, the facilities manager was asked to identify potential natural risks and rate the severity of each.
<Enter Chart using the template on the Natural Risks tab in the Executive Report Charts located in the appendix.>
Summary of Natural Risks
For the location of this facility and historical weather patterns, it has been stated that <Enter top 3 – 5 Natural Risks> pose the biggest threat. <Add additional comments if necessary.>
How the risk ranking was determined: Overall Risk = Probability * Severity (Magnitude – Mitigation)
Threat |
Probability |
Magnitude |
Mitigation |
Overall Risk |
Drought |
Earthquake |
Fire |
Flood / Flash Flooding |
Hurricane / Tropical Storm |
Ice Storms |
Landslides |
Severe Thunderstorms |
Tornado |
Wildfire |
Risk Assessment Policy
The Risk Assessment (RA) Policy document establishes the activities that need to be carried out by each Business Unit, Technology Unit, and Corporate Unit (departments) within the organization.
All departments must utilize this methodology to identify current risks and threats to the business and implement measures to eliminate or reduce those potential risks.
Table of Contents for Risk Assessment Policy
A. Purpose
B. Scope
C. Ownership Roles & Responsibilities
D. Review Process
E. Reporting Process
F. Update Frequency and Annual Review
G. Approval
A. RA Completion
B. Risks and Threats Identification
C. Probability of Occurrence
D. Vulnerability to Risk
E. Potential Impact of Risk
F. Preventative Measures
G. Insurance Coverage
H. Previous Disruptions
A. Overall Facility Risk
B. Communication
C. Retention of RA Survey
Appendix A – Risk Assessment Standards
Applications and Data Criticality Analysis Template
The purpose of the Application & Data Criticality Analysis is to determine the criticality to the covered entity of all application-based components and the potential losses which may be incurred if these components were not available for a period of time. This questionnaire is designed to collect the information necessary to support the development of alternative processing strategies, solutions and IS Recovery plans.
The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) should be completed prior to this engagement. The results of the BIA should be used to assess technology requirements based on the business needs.
This questionnaire also serves as a compliance method for meeting the HIPAA Security Rule requirements for Application & Data Criticality Analysis.
Table of Contents of Applications and Data Criticality Analysis Template
Application Information
Application Specifications
Application Users
Application Service Providers
Application Vulnerability
Application Recovery Complexity
Application Recovery Plan
Application Recovery History
Application Standard Operating Procedures
Application Source Code and Backup Information
Application Dependencies
Application Data Reconstruction
Database Information
Database Service Providers
Database Vulnerability
Database Recovery Complexity
Database Recovery Information
Database Recovery History
Database Standard Operating Procedures
Database Backup Information
Database Backup Tape Information
Hardware Information
Hardware Environment Information
Hardware Service Providers
Hardware Vulnerability
Hardware Recovery Complexity
Hardware Recovery Plan
Hardware Recovery History
Hardware Backup Information
Hardware Backup Tape Information
Network Equipment Requirements
Network Service Providers
Network Vulnerability
Network Recovery Complexity
Network Recovery Plan
Network Recovery History
Network Standard Operating Procedures
To view a specific section of this Risk Assessment Bundle document, please contact us at Bob@training-hipaa.net or call us at (515) 865-4591.
Risk Assessment Bundle