The name, Supremus, is a Latin word, meaning Supreme. Our name emphasizes our expertise in all the areas where we provide services.
We are focused on HIPAA compliance training, HIPAA consulting, and HIPAA compliance templates. Our aim is to offer practical, customized, and affordable solutions for HIPAA compliance.
The focus of our HIPAA Certification Training & Compliance website is to help healthcare organizations meet compliance in a timely and cost-effective manner by offering a broad portfolio of products and services. We provide HIPAA compliance kits, manuals, training, templates, and compliance consulting services to help make your HIPAA compliance efforts successful, self-sufficient, and cost-effective.
We assist healthcare organizations, health plans, employers, Business Associates, and alternative medicine providers with their HIPAA compliance efforts. Large or small, one of our options will fit your HIPAA compliance needs and budget.
If you are a Covered Entity or a Business Associate, we can give you direction, support, and products to get you compliant, fast, one of the strongest wings of our company, the Supremus Group is basically into providing HIPAA related training to all health care entities at different levels. Our unique training methodologies, different training methods, and flexible courses make us one of the strongest contenders in this field. Founded in the year 2006 with the intention of providing comprehensive HIPAA training to help the healthcare organizations meet their compliance standards, we have come a long way by venturing out into other streams of HIPAA training that focus on the security and privacy aspects at different levels.
If you are a Covered Entity or a Business Associate, we can give you direction, support, and products to get you compliant, at a quick pace. We have a huge client base (view client page) in various fields and a number of testimonials (view testimonial page) which is proof that we are “leaders in HIPAA training”.
Leaders in HIPAA training:
Our course methods are customized to meet the level of each entity from the healthcare industry – be it at a beginner, professional or organizational level. We have different courses that suit the beginners level (CHPA) and other courses at a higher level (CHPE, CHSE, CHPSE) based on their timings, availability, designation, current residence, etc. We also offer online training that can be completed anytime based upon the person’s timings and availability.
Three different types of training methodologies are offered to suit the availability, role, and requirement of individual or organization:
So, anyone who wants to undergo HIPAA compliance training can choose from the above course and training method which is most comfortable for them.
Additional services and products:
Our consulting services provide a full range of services customized to fit client needs. We offer help in the areas of:
We also provide templates for organizations who want to “jump-start” their efforts and complete HIPAA compliance without the help of any HIPAA consultants. Our templates are one of the most comprehensive templates available in the industry allowing the user to save a lot of time and money. We offer templates for:
Our cost-effective and excellent training methods show the path to keep you completely HIPAA compliant. Also, our extended and continuous support is always there to take care of your other various compliance needs.
We have more than 3000 clients throughout the USA, Canada, and many business associates based out of India, the Philippines, China, Mexico, Columbia, and many other countries.
We will show you how to accomplish HIPAA compliance without spending a fortune, and we provide ongoing support to keep you HIPAA compliant.
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Our customers are our shareholders and they are the ones we strive to make happy.