OCR Invites Software Developers to Submit questions about HIPAA Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rules
OCR has launched a new platform for mobile health developers and others interested in the intersection of health information technology and HIPAA privacy protection. We are experiencing an explosion of technology using data about the health of individuals in innovative ways to improve health outcomes. Building privacy and security protections into technology products enhances their value by providing some assurance to users that the information is safe and secure and will be used and disclosed only as approved or expected. Such protections are sometimes required by federal and state laws, including the HIPAA Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Rules. Yet many mHealth developers are not familiar with the HIPAA Rules and how the rules would apply to their products.
Anyone may browse the site, which is on the Ideascale cloud- based idea management platform. Users who want to submit questions, offer comments on other submissions or vote on how relevant the topic is will sign in using their email address, but their identities and addresses will be anonymous to OCR. OCR will consider the input provided on this site in developing our guidance and technical assistance efforts.
Stakeholders will use this site to help OCR understand what guidance on HIPAA regulations would be helpful. We are asking stakeholders to provide input on the following issues: What topics should we address in guidance? What current provisions leave you scratching your heads? How should this guidance look in order to make it more understandable, more accessible? Stakeholders can also use this page to submit questions about HIPAA, present a use case, or see what their peers are discussing. Users can comment on the discussions and vote on which topics or use cases would be the most helpful or important.
Posting or commenting on a question on this site will not subject anyone to enforcement action. We will be moderating submissions for appropriateness but OCR does not endorse the accuracy of their representations. While we cannot respond individually to questions, we will try to post links to existing relevant resources when we can. We appreciate input from stakeholders and will consider comments as we develop our priorities for additional guidance and technical assistance.